The Outbreak
As I sit and write this post, I am in a position of starting over. Not in a whole life starting over as many people and businesses will tirelessly be doing in the months to come, but just a simple re-write, re-do. You see, I already wrote my blog post a couple of weeks ago and was about to edit it, but the sweet file seems to be lost. I can’t find her anywhere on my computer! Anyone relate?
But, maybe that is what should have happened. This little predicament that sure was crazy frustrating has me thinking with new perspective. Here we all sit in our homes under the same sun and same moon. We all sit for the same reason. We all wait for the same purpose. Something else we all are working on: PERSPECTIVE. Whether we want to or not, whether we like it or not, we are all being forced to have a new perspective to how we live our lives.
Looking through the internet, YouTube, social media, articles, videos, commentaries, podcasts, headlines – we see such a cauldron of content these days regarding the outbreak of the virus named “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2” or SARS-CoV-2. The name is taken from the original SARS virus due to being genetically related to that 2003 virus. Viruses can cause diseases, and in the current case, this new coronavirus causes the disease COVID-19. The best way to understand this, for non-medical people, is to look at the AIDS disease. This is a disease caused by the HIV virus.
Within this cauldron of media and communications in the world, we see the sad and tragic news of lives being taken, businesses and the economy are shaken, family members unable to visit and hug, life celebrations and events postponed or cancelled, and people are looking at one another in disbelief at the current state of our nation. Schools closed. Shops closed. Entertainment and sports have closed. Churches closed.
Now, I want to ask you to stop and pivot. Look around a little deeper. Do you see the sidewalks with encouraging chalk notes? Do you see the inspirational rocks found randomly in your neighborhood? And the many acts of kindness in our communities? Teachers spending endless hours to bring education to their students at home. Compassionate and committed doctors, nurses and respiratory therapists are travelling to the front lines of New York where devastation is an understatement.
Car manufacturers are building respirators! How about the free concerts from famous artists’ homes like Andrew Lloyd Weber singing “All I Ask of You”. Have you watched TV lately (on YouTube, that is)?! Jimmy Fallon hosts his show with the help of his wife and adorable daughters. There are musical parodies that will have you laughing hilariously like The Holderness Family’s “I Want to Know What Day it is” (Foreigner song).
One day recently I searched online for “good news”. Not even kidding. You have, too, I bet! Up popped “Some Good News” by John Krasinski (actor from The Office). His show is absolutely encouraging and filled with beautiful stories. Have a half hour to spare? Yes, you do! Check this out: Steve Hartman’s CBS show “On the Road” and his weekly lessons to students, “Kindness 101”. My dear mother who never watches television is now set up to watch Jimmy Kimmel, thanks to my brother. I love it, because instead of being in her room alone unable to go to her YMCA, she still experiences some form of interaction with people. Well? Don’t you feel like Jimmy Fallon or Kimmel or any of these talented hosts are talking directly to you!?! I do! I feel like I have become part of the Fallon Family! Jimmy Fallon’s little girls are utterly cute – Winnie and Francis. Did I already mention that? I enjoy seeing their unique dispositions and personalities, leading me to reflect on myself as a child and now as an adult. Whoa….that is a post for another time. No secrets shared today!
Continuing with this idea of pivoting and navigating this current lifestyle change, what have been your perspective shifts? What direction or attitude adjustments are you taking when reflecting on your life? Recall that I had to restart this whole blog writing, because I lost my original manuscript. Right now, many of us are feeling lost. But, that is where I urge you to stop, pivot and recreate a new perspective. What a gift to have this time of isolation to slow down, count our blessings and grow in our gratitude for what we have. In the eye of the storm, we can still look for the hope and joy that exists around us.
I learned that making a list of all the things we cannot control and the things we can, and shifting our focus and perspective on the “controllables”, we lean into a powerful source of fulfilling and positive living. This girl, me, is taking the small steps to focus on things I can control and work on; I am so exhausted putting effort into the other list that offers no return on investment. Even better news – we don’t have to do this alone.
There is no odd coincidence as to why all this is happening during the Easter season. I don’t claim that God has “caused” this. But, I do know He desires our hearts to be turned to him when we are suffering. This time of isolation and a huge pause on our busyness surely can be turned into something good. As a nation, may we pour our hearts into seeking a deeper relationship with God and with others – on our knees in prayer or through Zoom in loving and laughing with dear loved ones.
Press on, friends, and show resilience. You have it within you, but you may need to shake up your perspective a little bit. Don’t forget to do some chalk art and watch Winnie and Francis Fallon! Thanks to all the kiddos across our nation leaving us these special notes. You are writing our history books right now. Stay strong and please get on your class Zooms to say hi to your teachers! We miss you!