
My Special Number….

Well, I couldn’t resist posting this picture as a fun highlight of 2015 – Go Cubs Go! 

…2017….just kidding, but seriously, for some reason I keep saying this number.  I wrote it in a Facebook post; thankfully, my older son’s sweet girlfriend spotted it for me!  I wrote it on my new message chalkboard in the kitchen.  And even on a check I wrote.  Now, I do really think the number 16 is super cool, but I keep forcing the number 17 into my life right now.  Something about that number to me. 

Redo – HAPPY 2016 and May You Be Blessed Beyond Measure!!  Wishing you had a special holiday time with family, friends, and ate lots of yummy foods!  Even though December is probably the busiest month of the year (I think May is the second busiest and thankful they are six months apart!!), I brace myself for the full schedule of the many Christmas preparations, parties, concerts, recitals, shows, and of course, wrapping up a semester of school for the children (projects, Final Exams, late nights galore!).  That was probably the longest sentence I have ever written!!! 

And here we are saying, “How did it get to be another year…where did the year go…did December really happen?!”  I am so thankful for the Holiday Vacation to do fun activities with the children like hiking, games, hanging out at the house, and movies.  We love to go to the movies….and this year it was all about STAR WARS.  It’s a family favorite, dating back to when Kurt and I were kids; how fun that our children are even more passionate about this amazing story of family and good versus evil.  I could not believe what happened in the movie, though, with one very important character…I will not dare say in case you have not seen the movie.  Wow, I did not see that one coming!!  Sniff. Sniff.  Make sure you see it, and several times if you can.  (and Disney isn’t even paying me for the promo insert)

Back to that number mix-up.  Have you ever had a “special number or date”?  Mine is definitely 17.  I didn’t even know it was going to be a special number in my life until 1989.  History of this “number 17” ~ It is sad, initially, as January 17, 1985, I lost my Dad, Jack Herbert Toellner.  Shocked my world as a 16 year old who just moved to a new high school.  God really watched over me during those fragile years. 

Then, as a Sophomore at ASU, my dear friend Terri dragged me out on the town, on February 17, 1989.  I was heartbroken over a break-up with a boyfriend but reluctantly agreed to go out.  It was this night that I met my husband, Kurt!  To think I would meet a Purdue grad in AZ, and then marry him and have four little blessings we call Jack, Ryan, Maggie, Evan.  Feeling thankful and loved.

Guess what day we got married??  Yep, you guessed it, on the 17th.  October 17, 1992, a beautiful fall day in Arizona, with our friends and family there to witness and support this meaningful marriage commitment.  And each month the day lands on 17, I just have this peaceful feeling.  I know that God turned those dark, terrifying years without my Dad into beauty, happiness, and a promising future. 

Maybe you have a special number, saying, or motto that gets you all warm inside, too.  There is so much to say about symbolism; God gave us many word pictures in the Bible to remember His promises.  I love the Rainbow ~ His promise to never flood the earth again – that He would send love and salvation through His divine offspring one day.  A manger in a stable – a symbol of Christmas Day – the day of remembrance of the birth of this special Savior, Jesus Christ. 

I am looking forward to sharing more in the next blog….possibly may go to the mountain to type it…I see it from my bedroom window, and it’s calling my name! 

Share your special number if you have a chance!