
I Do Not Know Everything Anymore

I have to say that I do not know everything. I am totally serious. Sometimes, I think I know a lot. Now, I have come to the realization that, although, I knew everything there was to know about anything when I was 16, at age 54, somehow, I just didn’t have that knowledge anymore.

Now, as I live life free of the “knowing it all” syndrome, there is more peace and tranquility. Do you know how many times I ask my adorable Google spaceship-looking device in the kitchen how long meat lasts in the refrigerator? Why should I have to know everything if I can just ask my handy kitchen pal? December was its busiest month yet with, “Hey Google, play Christmas music.” It never complains and only does what I ask. Since my children are all living on their own, and my husband enjoys time tinkering in the garage, it is quite nice to have the little Google guy around.

The advantage to not knowing everything is that you learn new things. What a revelation! Here’s something I am learning more about: starting your year with ONE WORD. I bet you’re thinking that word is, “GO”, as in Ready, Set Go! Don’t GO yet; let’s dive deeper.

Hearing of this alternate way to setting New Year’s Resolutions a while ago, it is only recently that I have come to understand its true simplicity and value.

Authors Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page write a compelling book, One Word that Will Change Your Life, about the One Word principle. 88% of people who set New Year’s Resolutions are already discouraged and have given up by February or March. The authors contribute this to setting goals that are too wordy, complex, and overwhelming.

Both Britton and Page have been practicing the One Word idea for over 20 years and with their families, too. The author triplets have seen proof that having a One Word goal inspires clarity, power, passion and life-change.

Here’s the best news! Your One Word works its way into every area of your life: mental, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual and financial. Now, that sounds like you hit the jackpot!

For more information on the One Word idea, go to:

A great video to watch for a better understanding and the background to the book One Word:

Some One Words people have used include: compassion, listen, simplify, commitment, passion, teamwork, service, initiative, faith, breathe, action, thrive and a whole lot more.

My word for the year 2023 is SHIFT.

Through my prayer time, God knows exactly where I have been stuck this past year, and that word kept coming to me by Him. Shift. Shift. It made so much sense that was what I needed to work on. I have struggled to have resolve and peace about my daughter moving 1500 miles away. Instead of focusing on how much I miss her, I SHIFT to our special Tuesday evenings when we have video calls, chats, and even watch our favorite shows together. When thinking of what I don’t have, I SHIFT to the wonderful people in my life right here where I live. When I worry about if and when she will move back, I SHIFT to focusing on praying for her to have joy and new friends, to live out her Christian faith daily.

Shift and perspective go hand in hand. I found this analogy to help solidify my SHIFT word. While walking the dogs one day near a canal, I thought I would try something new and go on the other side. From there, I could see the astonishing colors in the sky at sunset much better than the other side where I usually walk. The giant mountains were more visible, too. But, there was also more glass scattered on the ground on the side where I don’t usually walk, which is bad for dogs’ paws and my bike tires.

From the side of the canal where I usually walk, I don’t get the best view of the mountains, but there is less glass. You see, both sides have their pros and cons. I can choose which side and what I will focus on. If I decide to continue walking on the usual side, I can SHIFT my disappointment to seeing less of the mountain landscape to enjoying the walk with my dogs and using that time to pray for my family and friends. It’s a choice, a matter of perspective.

If you don’t already have a goal or new resolutions for the year, consider the One Word  practice. I am amazed how often my word comes to mind, helping me to SHIFT my thoughts or attitude from a negative to a positive. Think about a word that describes where you want to be by the end of the year and what it would take to get there.

Gordon says, “Remember, when you pick your word… you’ll be put in situations to apply it. Like the old saying goes… “If you pray for patience but you don’t get patience, you get opportunities to be patient.”

Feel free to share YOUR ONE WORD in the comments below; I would love to see them!

Click here to check out the latest encouraging stories on the broadcast show “Hope Follows”.

One Comment

  • Kurt

    Very insightful Julie! The analogy of just changing sides of the walking canal are so powerful > pros/cons of life’s circumstances. Love your stories and wisdom! -YLH