Scatter Hope
Here you will find a growing list of ways we can scatter HOPE and JOY wherever we go.
- Purposefully, SMILE at everyone you walk by, adding a friendly hello.
- Have some granola bars and water bottles in your car to give to people in need you come into contact with.
- On 5 sticky notes, write the words “HAVE HOPE”. Then, stick them 5 car windshields in a parking lot.
- Write a handwritten note of encouragement to someone you know who is dealing with something hard.
- Buy someone’s coffee when in line at a coffee shop, anonymously or not.
- Walk around your neighborhood or community and pray for neighbors to find HOPE and JOY in the midst of any possible struggles they may be facing.
- Drop off apples and bananas to your LOCAL FIRE STATION. They love a healthy treat!
- Ask God for a word of ENCOURAGEMENT to share with someone in your circle of influence.
- What is something you witnessed recently that reminded you that life is good? Tell someone about it!
- Who helped you in the past week that you’re grateful for? Tell them THANKS!