
Hard work, fun times – having a buddy to do these with.

Being a “Northwest Indiana & Chicagoland” native, I have a deeply rooted love for that Windy City.  Moving to Arizona to attend ASU in 1987, I still could easily go back to visit family and friends.  Of course, as the years went by, I start working, get married, change jobs, have children, stop working, start REALLY working (with no sick days, no paid vacation days..)  Basically, as “Family Manager”, I ended up living at my new workplace 24 hours! 

This concept of 24 hour employment really hit me recently when I asked Kurt to help me out more with meals.  I had grown bored and frustrated, not creative.  “What is wrong with me!!??”  I anxiously thought.  And he casually replied, “…but that is your department.” 

Whoa!  Now, before we get down on Kurt for this “oops” comment, I must say that he is a hard worker.  My dad was an intensely hard worker and built 4 of our amazing childhood homes and provided for our needs and “toys”.  I love that about my man – he is handy like Dad and works hard.  In Arizona, you have to plant “winter grass”, and it takes a lot of time and money (materials and insane amounts of watering).  And every year he implores on me to not want the winter grass; I, in turn, BEG, passionately, pointing out that it keeps me sane as I love the kids playing on the grass.  Remember, the easy grass we have in the summertime is not played on much…during 100 degree temps!  So, our winter is really our summertime outdoors.

Back to Kurt’s comment.  He helps out around the house, with the children, and makes great pancakes.  But, meals – it is not something he cares to take part in and has his own areas of expertise.  I know it’s a main role of mine as a mom who stays home and works part time.  Get this, though, — the other day I counted 5 times I was in the kitchen for extended time periods preparing meals and cleaning — all before dinnertime.  I was tired of being in there!   Now, I do have kids who can help.  They were probably busy doing homework or actually messing around.  Still, I felt it would be enjoyable to have my husband, my partner in this adventure called life, help me and spend time in the kitchen together. 

That was it!!!  I WAS LONELY!!  I was tired of being in the kitchen BY MYSELF while everyone else was out and about throughout the house.  I was still in the same room for the 5th time that day!  All I wanted was a little bit of company…someone to converse with besides my dog Ellie, who is committed to being in the kitchen 24/7 with me but can’t do any cooking.  Once Kurt realized this, he quickly apologized and came to work along side me in making a meal.  It was such fun to have him there! 

Now, I need to go hang out with him in the garage when he works on his dirt bikes; actually, he probably won’t want me there.  I talk too much.  Isn’t that funny how different we are?!   I know all he will want are some cookies and cold iced tea.   And that is what I will do…wow, there I go back to the kitchen (but, I like being in the kitchen to bake sweets!).  What a funny turn of events this remains!

With the people we love and do life with:  Embrace our differences…our needs…ourdesires.  Serve and appreciate one another.

Philippians 2:3
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves,

Having this hard working husband has allowed me to fulfill a need and a dream I have had for a while:  to visit “my Chicago”.   More on this in the next blog……

For now – find someone to do that boring work with you and enjoy some chats and laughter together.   Don’t forget the cookies and iced tea!
