
Chicago is My City

Do you have a special place you love to visit? Perhaps it’s a place from your childhood or a fun spring break trip. Is it a city, or is it the whole state? Is it a certain park or destination spot?  For me, it is, well, Chicago. If you know me or have been a reader of my blogs, this is no surprise to you.

I am blessed to call both Arizona and Indiana, “home”. Because I grew up in Northwest Indiana, Chicago was our closest big city with all the sports, entertainment and culture a large city offers. I’ve mentioned before how I have taken my children back home to Indiana for one-on-one trips when they were older. A day in the Windy City is always on our to-do list.

The sights, sounds, and even smells take me back to so many memories that I want to share with my kiddos. I want to create memories for them in their Mom’s hometown favorite spots. Did you catch that? I referred to Chicago as my “hometown”. Technically, it isn’t, but when you are passionate enough about something, you tend to take on “ownership-like” qualities.

For example, when the kids have gone back with me, I must ask a million times, “How do you like it? Isn’t this such a wonderful city? Look at those skyscrapers and the view of Lake Michigan! Hey, there is Indiana across the lake! Don’t you just love it here?!” Whenever they say they like it or something complimentary about “my Chicago”, I simply respond with, “Thanks.” I seriously say thank you to them, like I own the city! Maggie will even say something nice about Chicago now and then just to tease me after I say, “Thanks.”

Right now, though, not many of us are thinking of special trips and vacations. The Covid virus (not sure if ‘virus’ should be capitalized or not, but I won’t do it anyway), has put such a wrench in many of our plans. Plans that include celebrations, baptisms, birthdays and anniversaries, vacations, graduations, weddings,  family visits, and even funerals, have been radically altered to allow for minimal attendees. It’s downright sad, you guys. I know you agree. But, what CAN we do about this?

Take ownership. Get passionate. Similar to how I embrace and enjoy my Chicago city, we can trade in the negative emotions Covid is causing to replace them with positive emotions and experiences. Start planning some fun activity or trip with your family to a place in your home state that you haven’t visited. I encourage you to make this year one to remember in a special way. We have masks, and many places are safely opening up for us to enjoy. Even with certain health considerations, certainly we could plan something fun in our own backyard!  A backyard camping trip or game show with close friends could be done safely. One time when we were younger, our parents planned a HUGE Muscular Dystrophy carnival in our own backyard as a fundraiser. We had games, horse rides, fashion shows, food and more! It was a blast. I have to say that is one special memory I will always treasure. We may not be able to host a carnival this year, but what can we creatively plan that is unique and allows the whole family to get involved?

Plant your HOPE into something fun and memorable. Take ownership of YOUR calendar for 2021. Make room for a special trip or experience, whether it’s for a weekend or week. If I had my way, I would be in Hawaii or St. Thomas for a month this summer. Actually, that isn’t a bad idea. I’ll check into it. I may be stretching a bit here with this kind of grand plan, but why not dream a bit. If I aim high, then I’m sure to land on SOMETHING SPECIAL regardless of the size. It could be a bike race in our backyard, which could happen with our new pump track Kurt and the boys built.

With our children growing up, we knew the large sandbox/jungle gym area could use a remodel. After taking surveys from our kids, the girls and I won the majority. Pickle Ball court! The next thing I know, Kurt, Evan and Ryan are shoveling, raking, dumping dirt into our backyard and creating a very large bumpy bike track. That was a memory those guys will never forget.

Now, I am super excited to plan our family trip this year. Can you hear my sneaky laugh similar to the Count on Sesame Street?! Because the boys got their own choice with the sandbox project, the girls and I get to choose the TRIP!  Woo Hoo!

May you enjoy the journey of planning and experiencing something totally new and different this year. I’d love to hear your ideas, so leave a message in the comment box below.

Thank you to all who have purchased my book “HOPE FOLLOWS”. God is showing me so many cool ways it is impacting people, and I am beyond grateful. It’s a new year. We still have the pandemic. But, we do not need to stay stuck. We can reclaim our joy in the midst of this pandemic!

To purchase “Hope Follows”, go on over to the PUBLICATIONS page on this website.


  • Lisa Inabnit

    Love your blogs! So uplifting! And you know I have the travel bug! With your love of hiking you should check out St. John, you have to fly into St. Thomas and take a ferry boat there. Thank you for a great read!

    • Julie Kenzler

      Oh yes I want to go back to the USVI one day soon! Haven’t been since 1992! Thank you for reading my blogs!